Consious with RS Sustainabilty
RS Sustainability is a consultancy firm specialised in corporate social responsibility and procurement. They advise companies and partners on sustainable business practices. All with the aim of making the world a little greener! We were given the task of incorporating this green and renewed look-and-feel into an entirely new corporate identity, logo and website. We took this challenge with pleasure and are very proud of the final result!
The logo and corporate identity
When designing the RS Sustainability logo, we took a contemporary and innovative design as our starting point. The round shapes in the design symbolize a globe, indicating that RS Sustainability is working towards a greener world. For a corporate identity the use of colour is important, and in this case it should have a fresh and sustainable look. In the logo and in the corporate identity the green and blue tinted colours are therefore regularly used.


Website design
A website is very important for a consultancy firm. It serves as a business card for the company. That's why we made sure that the website looks innovative and professional, perfect for a B2B company!