The Dare Company &
Vlietkinderen offers many different types of daycare for parents with children from the ages of 0 to 13 years, located in the Leidschendam-Voorburg and The Hague region (Leidschenveen). Together with this ambitious childcare organisation, The Dare Company has been making many different marketing expressions throughout the years.

The corporate identity of vlietkinderen
Vlietkinderen was created in 2005 after a fusion of SKL and Stikov. Because of the new corporate identity, Vlietkinderen became a concept in the area Voorburg, Leidschendam and The Hague in short time. That's the exact reason why you are at the right place at The Dare Company. We can design a whole corporate identity with attention to detail and precision to make it complement the company. And that is exactly what we did for Vlietkinderen Childnursery, as you can tell by this project case. The recognizable blue color and puppets gave Vlietkinderen a high position in its field. To be able to apply the corporate identity for all the employees on 44 different locations, we developed a corporate identity book in pocket format.

Campaigns for all activities
Vlietkinderen organises special activities for children regularly. To make these activities visible on various locations, we are working with the Marketing and Communication department of Vlietkinderen to come up with creative developments. The Dare Company is taking care of various printed matters to bring the activities to the attention of people who might be interested. There will be posters on location, flyers will be handed out and we place advertisment in journals and digital formats. Specially for events focussed on parents and/or relations, the registrations are arranged through internet.

44 locations
All 44 locations of Vlietkinderen should have an uniform appearance. Obviously, the locations aren't the same, so that was something we had to take into account. We have customised the signing for every building to make it reflect the unique athmosphere of every location. Besides the visualisations for the buildings, The Dare Company designed the signing of the vehicles of Vlietkinderen, which you can now spot in the The Hague region.

The new website of Vlietkinderen
We proudly present to you the new website of Vlietkinderen! For this purpose, we first conducted extensive research into the target group and their information needs, among other things. Hereby we put ourselves in the shoes of the user. To get to know the target group better, we used our existing data from Google and conducted desk research. From this research, we created several personas, such as a Teaching Assistant looking for a job and a mother looking for daycare for her child(ren). This made it easier for us to identify the target audience and make certain design choices. We also looked at the pain points of the old website and the goals of Vlietkin children themselves.
Mobile first
For the new website, we decided to create a mobile-first design. This means that we started designing for mobile instead of desktop. Our choice was based on the fact that the majority of users visit the website via a mobile device. Thus, we not only take a good look at the design, but also the User Experience.
Unlike the old website, we chose a milder color palette that exudes more tranquility. We used new fonts and the overall styling has also been addressed. In addition, the website has been made clearer by placing less long texts. For the construction of the design, the user has of course not been lost sight of! Every choice in the design is tailored to the user.
Follow Vlietkinderen
The visablility of Vlietkinderen on social media is taken care of through a perfect co-oporation between several employees of Vlietkinderen and The Dare Company.
Special actions are thought through and the target audience is reached by targeting on zip code areas on Facebook.