MOL Europe
MOL Europe is with 1100 ships one of the worlds biggest container shipping companies. Who doesn't recognise the typical MOL containers with the crocodile emblem? We are responsible for the entire marketing in EMEA, from the new Africa line to the opening of their new office in Egypt. Weekly there are hundreds of emails sent worldwide via our e-mail system!

Europe- West Africa
The Dare Company has designed a poster and social media template to put the new Europe - West Africa service on the map. MOL also has multiple services to which The Dare Company has contributed graphically.

Het communicatie materiaal
We are proud that we have been able to contribute to MOL's communication material. For example, we have developed the brochures entirely in line with the corporate identity of the company. In addition, we started working on the development of various posters for new shipping routes and new offices, for example. We have also been responsible for the internal communication material, including the layout for the Eurogator staff magazine.