Max Havelaar
Childcare centre
Taking care of the little ones and all kids younger than 12 - that's Max Havelaar! This hospitable childcare centre located in Bleiswijk needed a fresh new design. The Dare Company was obviously willing to realise this for them. A new logo has been designed with the colors blue and purple as a starting point. The silhouettes also give the logo a friendly character and represent Max Havelaar in a suiting way.

Logo & Corporate identity
For the corporate identity of Max Havelaar, The Dare Company has made an extensive manual to use as a guideline. Various aspects of the corporate identity are further explained in here. For example, in addition to the colours blue and purple, green, pink and orange are also used to support the corporate identity of Max Havelaar. A beautiful colour combination that jumpes right off your screen!

Good performances must be appreciated, especially those of our children. Getting your report is an excellent opportunity to do this. To make these report moments extra special for the children of Max Havelaar, the designers of The Dare Company have designed a beautiful report folder.
Website design
Below you can see the renewed website of Max Havelaar Child Center. It needed a little touch-up from our skilled paintingbrushes. With a fresh look and an improved User Experience and User Interface, the website is now more user-friendly than ever!

Max Havelaar Childcare Center is of all trades and offers many services. But how do you know which way you have to go in the childcare center? That's where The dare Company comes in, because we were also allowed to design Max Havelaar's whole lettering. Because of the clear and clearly visible signs, every child knows how to find his or her place easily.
The official opening of The Max Havelaar Childcare Centre
We are proud that we got the chance to contribute to this new form of child development by designing the new corporate identity of the childcare center Max Havelaar. During a smashing performance of MadSience with firing rockets, the alderman unveiled the new logo.