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What is a landing page?

What is a landing page?

At The Dare Company, we notice that there is still a lot of confusion about the term landing page. Is it the same as a homepage? Or is it a completely separate page that redirects you to something...

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Original Christmas hampers

Original Christmas hampers

Christmas is just around the corner! Of course we are really looking forward to it, but there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of first. Gifts for family and friends need to be...

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Outsource Linkbuilding or Do It Yourself?

Outsource Linkbuilding or Do It Yourself?

Link building: the process of creating relevant backlinks to your website. This quite a lot of work, which is why many companies outsource link building. This article explains how it works and how...

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Design Object: Pop art and trendy prints

Design Object: Pop art and trendy prints

A blog about The Dare Company's newest sister: Design Object! Our team of designers can express even more of their creativity and skills on this platform. There, we sell modern and trendy designs...

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10 key elements for a good home page

10 key elements for a good home page

A good home page is essential for an effective website. It is the place where you receive the potential customer, where you can make the first impression and where you have to convince the...

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The secret of a good Instagram bio

The secret of a good Instagram bio

It is often thought that your Instagram feed is primarily important for the first impression of your business profile, but in addition to the feed, the importance of a powerful bio is often...

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The power of corporate gifts during Christmas time

The power of corporate gifts during Christmas time

It might be too early to start talking about Christmas, but we are going to do it anyway. In a few months, Christmas will be just around the corner and the Christmas trees, christmas lights and...

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Internet marketing the dare company

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is the promotion of a company, product or service by using online tools that drive lead, traffic and sales. This is also called online marketing or digital marketing, and it...

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Do you want to know who visits your website?

Do you want to know who visits your website?

Leadinfo is the lead generation software that recognises companies that come to your website and displays them via a clear dashboard. This way you can contact the most valuable visitors to your...

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Videostrategie the dare company

Video strategy and the impact of video

Video content is booming! On most social media platforms you will come across a lot of video content in your timeline. This makes sense because, unlike textual content or a photo, messages that...

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Optimizing for the Google Update: Core web Vitals

Optimizing for the Google Update: Core web Vitals

It has been known for a while now that the new Google Update, called Core Web Vitals, will be launched in June. The update consists of three metrics, as you have already read in our earlier blog...

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Google The Dare Company

Google FloC: generalisation of users or profiling user data?

Google has put out a new project called Privacy Sandbox. This project includes the much-discussed new tracking method Google FloC. Not everyone is happy with Google's new tracking alternative. So...

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